- 聴く
- 共創
- コミュニケーション
I commit to listening to patient and caregiver experiences and helping others from what I learn.
I commit to developing meaningful patient programming with our clients.
I commit to creating a culture where my team is encouraged to share patient experiences and participate in patient community activities.
I have been running our online platform for German-speaking leukemia patients for more than 14 years, and have helped to found and grow the CML Advocates Network for more than 10 years. I am supporting CML patients on a daily basis. This keeps me close to the real need of real patients, over and above being a cancer survivor myself now for 16 years...
I am committed to facilitate patient engagement in R&D by increasing the "system readiness" in patient organisations, academic groups and pharma to involve patient experts in a meaningful way.
I am involved in a number of educational activities and networks that work on patient information and patient empowerment, including EUPATI, PFMD, EURORDIS, Leukaemie-Online, CML Advocates Network, Acute Leukemia Advocates Network, WECAN and many more.
As the caregiver and advocate of one, I'll make sure our patient experience is relayed in the most articulated and constructive way since the margin for progress is massive
I will ask the next 5 patients I'm going to meet in the context of my profession as a manager patient affairs for a pharmaceutical company, what my company can do to improve her/his live most.
As a manager patient affairs, I will connect all German AZ teams of specific therapeutic areas with patients, to gain a better understanding of the patient perspective and patient needs, to develop better support materials and programs for patients and medical staff.
As a manager patient affairs, I will connect all German AZ teams of specific therapeutic areas with patients, to gain a better understanding of the patient perspective and patient needs, to develop better support materials and programs for patients and medical staff.
As a manager patient affairs, I will always response to any patient request within 10 working days.
As a Patient Centricity Excellence Director in the pharma industry, I will co-create with patients when building capability and training programs on how to best work with patients.
I will make sure i communicate the end results of the protocol simulation
I will listen to patient feedback on stigma associated with Acromegaly
All patients need to be included in RWE studies: real representativeness
As the head of Global Publications team, I will work with my team and stakeholders to identify how best we can ensure every publication has a meaningful and relevance to patients.
As a design strategist, I will co-create experiences, products, and strategies with patients. I will live up to the motto "nothing for me, without me".
As a medical writer, I will work to develop materials to support patient engagement strategies by pharmaceutical companies, involving patient review and co-creation of content wherever possible
I will partner with patients to ensure they shape their medicines and patient services of tomorrow, by ensuring myself and my team always include patient(s) input when developing solutions/services.
I will find someone who can act as a patient mentor and advise if what we think is a good idea actually addresses a need.
As Chair of the Patient and Public Involvement group at my local health trust, I will ask at least 1 patient representative 1 question at each meeting
I will work closely with PFMD patients and patient organisations members of PFMD, those of today and new ones, to understand what are the barriers they face
I will find a patient and spend time with them in the next 6 months to learn about how I can take their needs into consideration more in my role when I arrange meetings that involve patients.
コミットメントの準備はできていますか?- I will arrange for a patient testimonial time slot in each of my quarterly team meetings(参考訳:四半期ごとに開催されるチームミーティングに、患者さんの声を紹介する時間を設けます。)
- I will invite my team members to share patient stories with me, and provide my own feedback on at least 1 of these per week/month(参考訳:チームメンバーから患者さんの体験談を募集し、毎週/毎月少なくとも1件、私自身のフィードバックを提供します。)
- I will attend the (annual) meeting of (tbd) patient group, and share my insights with my team(参考訳:患者会の定期的なミーティングに出席を予定し、自分の得た知識をチームと共有します。)
- (参考訳:事業計画やプロジェクトの提案書を検討する際、その計画や提案書を共同作成するために患者さんの意見がどのように活用されたかに特に注意を払います)When reviewing business plans and project proposals, I will specifically pay attention to how patient input has been leveraged to co-create the plan or proposal.
- I will discuss my own Annual Plan with at least 2 patients(参考訳:自分の年間計画について、少なくとも2名の患者さんと話し合います。)
- I will share with my team my own Patient Pledge objectives, and explain that I also expect them to choose some, freely(参考訳:自分自身の「患者さんへの誓い」の意味をチームと共有し、個人の自由意志ながら、チームメンバーにも誓いを表明することを期待する旨を説明します。)
- I will ask patient input to deeply understand their experience of participating in my/our study/ies, in particular regarding (select one or more) screening, informed consent, visit logistics, medication, study and/or visit information, CRF, questionnaire(s), diary, site team, blood and other lab tests…(参考訳:特に、スクリーニング、インフォームド・コンセント、来院時の対応、投薬、研究・来院情報、症例報告書(CRF)、アンケート、日記、施設チーム、血液検査、その他の検査などに関して、私の研究・試験に参加した患者さんの経験を深く理解するために、患者さんから意見を伺います。)
- I will seek to understand (directly) from patients their experience behind missing or incomplete data(参考訳:患者さんから、データの欠落や不完全さにまつわる経験を(直接)理解するよう努めます。)
- I will seek to understand the study participation impact on the family of the patient(参考訳:患者さんの家族に対する、研究に参加したことによる影響を理解するよう努めます。)
- I will work with (prospective or past) study participants to create patient support materials/information that they feel is needed and helpful(参考訳:(見込みまたは過去の)試験参加者と協力して、彼らが必要とし、役立つと感じる患者支援資料/情報を作成します。)
- I will stimulate the site staff to understand the study participant experience in the study at their site(参考訳:対象施設のスタッフに働きかけて、その施設での治験参加者の経験したことを理解する。)
- I will ensure a swift and understandable answer to any patient questions in the study, and also share these with the study team so that better/standard answers can be developed (with patients)(参考訳:治験中の患者さんからの質問に対して、迅速かつ理解しやすい回答を心がけ、また、より良い/標準的な回答を(患者さんとともに)開発できるように、これらを治験担当チームと共有します)
- I will personally talk/listen to at least 3 patients living with the disease(s) of the medication(s) I work for(参考訳:担当する薬剤の疾患と闘う少なくとも3人の患者さんの話を聞きます。)
- I will engage with patients to understand their lived experience of the top 3 adverse events reported to/via me(参考訳:報告された有害事象の上位3つについて、患者さんの生活体験を理解するために、患者さんと関わります。)
- For my next safety update report (or similar) I will work with at least 2 patients to ensure understandable language and to include information on the patient experience(参考訳:次回の安全性情報報告書(または同様のもの)について、少なくとも2名の患者さんと協力して、理解しやすい表現と患者さんの経験に関する情報を含むようにします。)
- I will work with patients to understand which adverse events most matter to them and then study/report those in more depth(参考訳:患者さんと協力して、どの有害事象が患者さんにとって最も重要であるかを理解し、それらをより深く研究/報告します。)
- I will seek feedback from patients reporting adverse events to me/my team about my/our own communication as we ask them for information(参考訳:有害事象を報告した患者さんから、情報を求めた際の、自分・自チームの応対がどうであったか、フィードバックを求めます。)
- I will make use patient-friendly language (on which I will actively and continuously seek feedback) in my communication to patients (specify: verbal or written, direct or indirect)(参考訳:患者さんとのコミュニケーションにおいて、患者さんにとってやさしい言葉(それについては積極的かつ継続的にフィードバックを求める)を用いる(口頭または書面において、直接的または間接的に))
- I will join two in-house sessions where a patient comes in to testify(参考訳:患者さんが自ら話す社内セッションに2回参加します。)
- I will identify a person living with one of my company’s diseases in my family or circle of friends and spend a few hours with her/him in the next 4 months(参考訳:今後4ヶ月以内に、私の家族または友人の中に当社の疾患を患っている人を見つけ、その人と数時間一緒に過ごします。)
- I will attend a patient group meeting or conference in the next 6 months(参考訳:今後6ヶ月以内に、患者会の会合や会議に出席します。 )
- I will work with one team to give my lay language input into a document they are creating(参考訳:1つのチームと協力して、彼らが作成中の文書に一般的な言葉・表現で意見を述べます。)
- I will volunteer as a buddy for a patient visiting our company in the next 3 months(参考訳:今後3カ月以内に自社を訪問する患者さんの相手を務めます。)
- I will understand, share and explain one patient information piece to one family member or friend(参考訳:個々の患者さんの情報を理解し、共有し、1人の家族または友人に説明します。)
- I will give feedback on my personal experience to the two next physicians I visit as a patient(参考訳:次に患者として受診する2人の医師に、自分の経験についてフィードバックします。)
- I will either organise one or attend two in-house sessions where a patient living with the disease that I work for is coming to testify(参考訳:業務の対象となる疾患の患者さんが証言する形の社内セッションを、1回主催するか、2回出席する)
- I will attend one patient group/association meeting in the disease(s) I work for(参考訳:担当する疾患の患者会/協会の会合に1回出席する)
- I will watch at least 5 patient testimonials (YouTube etc) of people living with the disease(s) I work for. Note: when working internationally, repeat or adapt per country(参考訳:自分が担当する病気と闘っている患者さんの声(YouTubeなど)を5つ以上見る。注:国際的に活動する場合、国ごとに繰り返すか、適応させる。)
- For my next XXX I will gain input from a patient before starting (and at least twice during) the work. <u>Note</u>: XXX = detail piece, or patient brochure or strategic update or booth set-up or communication plan or market research project(参考訳:次のXXXについては、作業を始める前に(そして少なくとも作業中に2回)、患者さんから意見を聴く。注:XXX=ディテールピース、患者向けパンフレット、戦略的アップデート、ブース設営、コミュニケーションプラン、マーケットリサーチプロジェクト)
- I will request my advertising agency to work with a patient for our next project(参考訳:次のプロジェクトでは、患者さんと一緒に仕事をするよう、代理店に依頼します)
- I will proactively share my plans/proposals for patient relevant projects (support programs, information piece) with at least 3 patient organizations(参考訳:患者に関連するプロジェクト(支援プログラム、情報提供)の計画・提案を、少なくとも3つの患者団体と積極的に共有します。)
- I will attend a patient (group) meeting to personally do a Q A about our next patient relevant initiative(参考訳:患者(グループ)ミーティングに出席し、私たちの次の患者関連の取り組みについて、自ら質疑応答します。)
- I will share my next patient relevant initiative with at least the top 10% of my physician target audience, personally informing at least 6 of them(参考訳:少なくとも医師対象者の上位10%に、私の次の患者関連の取り組みを共有し、そのうち少なくとも6名には個人的に通知します。)
- I will (with appropriate pre-approvals) sit in on at least 5 consultation moments between a HCP and patients with the disease(s) I work for(参考訳:(適切な事前承認のもと)担当する疾患の患者さんの、診療の場に。少なくとも5回は同席します。)
- For my next YYY I will gain the input from at least one patient living with the disease(s) before starting (and at least twice during) the work. Note: YYY = training of field force, internal presentation, external presentation, lay summary, phase 4 study(参考訳:次のYYYでは、仕事を始める前に(そして仕事中に少なくとも2回)、その病気を患っている少なくとも1人の患者さんから意見を聞くことにしています。注:YYY=フィールドフォースのトレーニング、社内発表、社外発表、一般向けの要約、第4相試験)
- I will share a lay summary of 3 new articles in the disease I work for with at least 3 patient associations(参考訳:担当する疾患に関する3つの新しい論文の要約を、少なくとも3つの患者団体と共有します。)
- I will share my patient insights (about tbd) with my co-workers in marketing and clinical(参考訳:マーケティングや治験担当の同僚と、患者さんに関する見識を共有します(約30分)。)
- I will find out which patient testimonials/input has been provided to regulators in the disease(s) I work for(参考訳:自分が担当する疾患について、どのような患者さんの声や意見が規制当局に提供されたかを調べます。)
- I will seek, summarise and share patient feedback on the product labels (patient leaflets) that I am responsible for or contribute to(参考訳:自分が担当する、あるいは貢献する製品ラベル(患者用リーフレット)について、患者さんのフィードバックを求め、要約し、共有します。)
- For my next ZZZ I will gain the input from at least one patient living with the disease(s) before starting (and at least twice during) the work. Note: ZZZ = expert report, SmPC update, patient leaflet, discussion with authorities(参考訳:次のZZZでは、少なくとも1名の患者さんの意見を聞いてから、作業を開始する(少なくとも2回は作業中も)。注:ZZZ=専門家レポート、製品情報概要とその更新、患者用リーフレット、当局との議論)
- I will share the patient input that I am aware of with my colleagues in other life cycle stages for the same product (category)(参考訳:同じ製品(カテゴリー)の他のライフサイクルステージにいる同僚と、自分が知った患者さんの意見を共有します。)
- I will speak up to the importance of patient understanding at my next team meeting or external regulatory meeting(参考訳:次のチームミーティングや外部の規制当局との会合で、患者理解の重要性を訴えます。)
- I will seek patient input on their experience of working with our providers with whom they have contact(参考訳:患者さんが接触する社外のサービス提供者から受けた経験について、患者さんの意見を求めます。)
- I will challenge our (aspiring) vendors to share with me how they ensure patient input in their work(参考訳:ベンダーから、その業務において患者の意見をどのように反映しているか共有されるようチャレンジします。)
- I will inform my internal customers of the patient-centric strengths and weaknesses of our (aspiring) vendors(参考訳:社内の関係部署に、候補ベンダーの患者中心の観点での長所・短所を伝えます)