I organise an "Open houses Val de Reuil" with patients associations to showcase the R&D in France and address the topics that patients associations would have. The objectives : to create actions that develop patients associations knowledges and skills.
Work in progressIn my daily mission, I pay attention to the needs of patients associations.
Work in progressWe invite @ Janssen Germany patients to listen to their patient journey to understand their needs better and follow up with ideas
Work in progressWhen we have ideas to support patients in getting better outcomes, we discuss this with patients directly to ensure that they develop the solution together with us
Work in progressIt is our strong believe that the patients voice must be heard and included in all services developed for patients als only they feel the difference if improvements in outcomes are real.
Work in progressWe will share our knowledge with patients through social media, facebook and other ways that give us room for interaction and communication with patients
Work in progressOperations Recreuitment Manager for the Patient Recruitment & Site Support (PARiS)Department
I am taking a pledge to co-create trial information keeping the patient perspective, voice and experience in mind.
Work in progressOperations Recreuitment Manager for the Patient Recruitment & Site Support (PARiS)Department
I pledge to listen to the patient voice. To understand their concerns, wants and desires when it comes to medicine development.
Work in progressOperations Recreuitment Manager for the Patient Recruitment & Site Support (PARiS)Department
I pledge to increase the communication gap that exists between participants and those that execute the trial. This means always keeping the patient voice in mind, providing tools that increase understanding and above all create tools that allow a dialogue.
Work in progress