I commit myself to communicate with other patients and patient organisations
Work in progressI pledge to engage with members of the public in a meaningful way in order to co-create truly co-produced materials and information including our RDS website
Work in progressI'll contact patients and take the time to listen to their experience, opinions and contribution
Work in progressWe will keep clear lines of communication during the guideline development process, and follow up after important meetings
Work in progressListen
Work in progressI commit to listening to patients when setting up training courses for staff
Work in progressI will attend one patient group/association meeting in the diseases I work for
Work in progressI will proactively share my proposals for patient relevant projects (support programs, information piece) with at least 1 patient organisations
Work in progressIt is essential that we do not just listen to patients but that we hear them and we act on what they tell us. Small changes can make big differences
Work in progress