853 Commitments found

I'll always hear cancer parents and family voice from our support group.

Work in progress

Our organization collaborate with parents and those families, companies, social by doing 'research'

Work in progress

I'll continue to listen the BC patients any where and every where possible...

Work in progress

I commit to developing meaningful patient programming with our clients.

Work in progress

I will interview (tbd) patient groups in order to assess the role of patients in drug development for my PhD Thesis

Work in progress

Every agenda will be built in partnership with patients - who will review, add and reshape each meeting.

Work in progress

We will enable patients to attend all of our meetings, free of charge. We will give patients a platform so that their views may be heard by those in the pharma industry who must understand.

Work in progress
Danilo Verge

Ensure I educate patients on the science and current research in the CV, renal and metabolic area, when appropriate

Work in progress
Judith Anderson

Support patients in coming forward with their stories by telling them how to get in touch with AZ

Work in progress

Take the Pledge

Make a Pledge to patients, a concrete commitment to meaningful patient engagement.

Take the Pledge