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Travaux en coursPFMD Executive Director and Founder of The Synergist
I will work closely with PFMD patients and patient organisations members of PFMD, those of today and new ones, to understand what are the barriers they face
Travaux en coursPFMD Executive Director and Founder of The Synergist
I will seek for opportunities to build on new communication tools or happening to allow patients an easier and equitable access to information, tools and rights they have
Travaux en coursPFMD Executive Director and Founder of The Synergist
I'll make sure each new initiatives will be initiated, conducted, validated and finalised WITH patients
Travaux en coursVP Patient Engagement Communication Strategy
As Chair of the Patient and Public Involvement group at my local health trust, I will ask at least 1 patient representative 1 question at each meeting
Travaux en coursVP Patient Engagement Communication Strategy
I will ask patients/patient organisations to contribute their views and perspectives through editorial blogs and commentaries at least every 3 months
Travaux en coursI will work within my company to find ways to bring patients into what we do. We have a plan - my committment is to make it a reality!
Travaux en coursI will partner with patients to ensure they shape their medicines and patient services of tomorrow, by ensuring myself and my team always include patient(s) input when developing solutions/services.
Travaux en coursStrategy
I will pursue the patient voice to guide decision making.
Travaux en cours