853 Engagements trouvés
Daniel De Schryver

Patient Engagement & Advocacy Lead, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, Johnson&Johnson Innovative Medicine.

we have a process in place to include patient voice in all aspects of our business.

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Daniel De Schryver

Patient Engagement & Advocacy Lead, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, Johnson&Johnson Innovative Medicine.

we invite patients to discuss the solutions we may bring and have processes in place to allow for true partnership an co-creation.

Travaux en cours
Daniel De Schryver

Patient Engagement & Advocacy Lead, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, Johnson&Johnson Innovative Medicine.

Our medical and health ecxonomics teams have processes in place to ensure readibility by patients. We also have set up a single point of contact for patient representatives in each country.

Travaux en cours
Eilidh Jenkins

I will continue to partner on new patient centered initiatives to help improve patient experience in our trials. Engaging with new opportunities to listen to the patient voice whenever possible

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Annie Ribeyre

I work closely with the TA communication specialists to inform and share the actions of the patients associations whether internal or external.

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Laurence Maes

I commit to listen to patients, f.i. through our first patient centricity symposium were Janssen employees can listen to and engage with over 20 patients with different backgrounds. Their feedback will be used as direct input in our strategy

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Laurence Maes

Together with patient advocates in NL I will invest in employment of people with cancer and in breaking stigma Together with the HIV-community we prepare an exciting AIDS 2018 conference in Amsterdam

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Luke Chaplin

Look to ensure patient input into their disease has bene considered with out project design where possible.

Travaux en cours
Luke Chaplin

Look to ensure patient input into their disease has bene considered with out project design where possible.

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Prenez l'engagement

Prenez un engagement envers les patients, un engagement concret en faveur d’un engagement significatif des patients.

Prenez l'engagement