853 Engagements trouvés
sandra best
Travaux en coursHaresh Somai
Travaux en coursHaresh Somai
Travaux en coursBerisha Albert
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Catherine Billoët
Medical Affairs World Business Line Strategy and Development Air Liquide Healthcare International
What is the real need? the only one patients are complaining about
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Catherine Billoët
Medical Affairs World Business Line Strategy and Development Air Liquide Healthcare International
If it is not usable by patient, it is of no use
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Susan Hundley
Clinical Director
Create programs that truly add value to patients and make a difference in their lives
Travaux en coursJoost Melis
To actively reach out and obtain feedback on patient's and caregivers' experiences
Travaux en coursJoost Melis
To continue my efforts to have patient's perspectives included in Clinical Development in/before early stage protocol designs
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