Patient Engagement Platform Lead - Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (HQC)
I commit to communicating with patients and families with opportunities for and results of engagement in 2018.
Travaux en coursDoctoral Researcher in Child and Family Health
I will listen to understand what it is really like to be someone else living with health conditions, or caring for loved ones with health conditions.
Travaux en coursFounder, Partnership for Safe Medicines India Initiative
I pledge that I would work towards empowering the patients to access credible information to make an informed choice based on evidence and Science.
Travaux en coursListening to patients
Travaux en coursIn 2018 our Institute will prioritise Dissemination of research and innovation to our patient and public involvement and engagement stakeholders. This will form the topic of our Annual General Meeting for our members and a written report.
Travaux en coursTo consider the best ways to engage
Travaux en coursTo communicate using different methods to enable access to easy to ignore groups
Travaux en coursI will listen to patients with empathy
Travaux en coursI will involve patients and carers when involved in health and social care research
Travaux en cours