I will use plain english when communicating and corresponding with the public, colleagues and other organisations. I will endeavour to encourage others to do the same.
作業が進行中In 2018 our Institute will focus activities on increasing the diversity of our patient and public involvement and engagement, by listening to different communities and learning how we might work together better.
作業が進行中In 2018 our Institute will embed patient and public involvement and engagement in every stage of the INVOLVE research cycle including the identification of the important research questions.
作業が進行中Ensure that we look for opportunities to co-create
作業が進行中I will talk to patients and carers by formal presentations; personal discussions; by writing articles; by reviewing research proposals about health and social care
作業が進行中I commit to engaging patients by seeking and providing feedback to study participants and patient partners
作業が進行中I commit to co-creating with patient
作業が進行中I commit to communicating with patient
作業が進行中Listening to Patients