By helping create patient recruitment and retention strategies that are valuable and meaningful to the patients; putting the patient's voice first and truly understanding their condition and what a day in the life looks like before developing materials and tools for patient recruitment.
作業が進行中I will continue to strive to integrate the principles of good participatory practices into the HIV prevention work being done at my company, specifically with engaging stakeholder feedback throughout the clinical trial process.
作業が進行中I commit to co-creating with patients by working within my organization to create pathways to access and assimilate patient feedback.
作業が進行中I commit to co-creating with patients by working within my organization to create pathways to access and assimilate patient feedback.
作業が進行中Share patient engagement approaches with patients as it is being developed so they can co-create it according to their needs.
作業が進行中Follow up the ideas identified
作業が進行中Share the progress with the network group
作業が進行中interviewing patients to understand their needs and how our protocol may be better designed.
作業が進行中Ensure results of interim and final analyses are shared with study participants i lay language at the time scientific results are being made publicly available