853 Engagements trouvés
Donnie Chambless

Listening is healing

Travaux en cours
Soren Eik Skovlund

Senior Researcher, Intl Advisor, People-Centered, Value-Based Healthcare

I spend time every day communicating on behalf of and in support of patients. I educate about patient needs and advocate for putting patients first in all my communication activities, including when I co-author articles, train health care professionals, speak at congresses and meetings, chair and organise multi-stakeholder patient-centricity events, or partner with companies and organisations.

Travaux en cours
Bruce Lavin

Provide updates and insights gathered during external engagement activities

Travaux en cours
Bram Goorden

Working with cancer patients every day to better and inform HCPs and regulators about the options for improved care.

Travaux en cours
Nolan Ritcey

Commitment to public availability of patient-centered research.

Travaux en cours
Katherine Capperella

Global Patient Engagement Leader

I will share with patients examples of what we have done differently, based on patient feedback.

Travaux en cours
Dominique Hamerlijnck

Patient advocate/experience expert

I will work together with others to create dialogue on an equal basis, each with our own expertise to create a new reality where patients are an integral part of co-creating the future in care, medicine, medical devices, HTA, CEA and wherever else it is needed or necessary.

Travaux en cours
Dominique Hamerlijnck

Patient advocate/experience expert

I will engage, inform, empower as many patients as I can to take part in all initiatives where we are asked to participate and will try and get patients involved where the patient voice is not yet heard.

Travaux en cours
Laura Mckeaveney

Chair TinyLife, GAVI Chief People and Experience Officer, Advisor The Synergist

I will work with my head, my heart and my guts to identify and push for inclusion of patient insights in our daily work.

Travaux en cours

Prenez l'engagement

Prenez un engagement envers les patients, un engagement concret en faveur d’un engagement significatif des patients.

Prenez l'engagement