I will ensure that the voice and feel of patients and caregivers is a process of ongoing reflection within the company so that my colleagues are sensitive to the opportunities we have to improve their quality of life
Travaux en coursTrabajar con ellos para crear las estrategias que les ayuden a mejorar
Travaux en coursEstablecer mecanismos 24x7x365 para comunicarme directamente con ellos cuando lo necesiten
Travaux en coursTo actively listen to every patient & their families
Travaux en coursCommitted to using a feedback system made for CYP
Travaux en coursI will invite my team members to share patient stories with me, and provide my own feedback on at least 1 of these per week
Travaux en coursWe will work with patients to ensure that patients have the best experience in their treatment.
Travaux en coursWe will ensure that we keep the patients as our north star in all our communications.
Travaux en coursIn my roles within Industry I vow to in all cases assure that both I as well as members throughout my various organizations will always endeavor to listen to the voices of patients, patient organizations and all stakeholders for whom patients are the ultimate and most critical customer
Travaux en cours